Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sung Jun Jun

Hey, my name is Sung Jun Jun a 7th grader in ISKL. I am proud of my name because it is simple and repeatable. Sung Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun… I don’t like names that are normal or too ridiculous. My name is a bit funny and easy to remember. I sometimes write my name as Sung Jun times two. My name is from Chinese language meaning ‘do something great’. I don’t believe my name’s meaning, as I didn’t do anything great. When I was young, I wanted to change my name to Gundam (a name of robot model). I liked making robot models and I even wanted to be a robot and fight against the enemies. I am always being teased about my first and last name, as it is the same. My friends call me Jun Jun Jun… but I am okay with being teased that way because it is not that important. My grandmother studied about the Chinese language to make up my name. Most Koreans think that the names are important so they always try to pick the best three words in Chinese language that form into a good meaning. Anyway, I love my name!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Summary of Odysseus

I read Odysseus, a myth. Odysseus was a hero who had a beard trimmed to a point, bronze hair, tanned skin and blue eyes. His was the head of his army and he was a brave warrior who fought in a war in troy for over ten years. He won the ever lasting war and set off to his home Ithaca. When he was sailing in the seas, his twelve ships meet an enormous storm. Luckily, every twelve ships were together, not a single ship was left out. However, they had lost their way back to Ithaca and they realize that they were sailing in strange waters. They were running out of food, so they land on an unknown island. Unfortunately, the lotus-eaters were living in the island so they quickly set of headed to another island. Unluckily, giant Cyclops were living in the next island. The crowd including Odysseus was captured in a dark cave and the Cyclops ate two of his men freshly each day. With the great knowledge of Odysseus, they poke Cyclops’ eye and escape the cave by hiding under the sheep when they are going out to be fed. After the escaping, they head to another island. They land on the island of Aeolia and the king Lamus welcomed them. They ate and rested a lot and with lots of food in the ship, they headed to the other island as always. They land on Circe’s island the next time. Circe was a witch who could turn people into animals. They stop Circe from keep making people into animals and Circe suggested them to go to underworld to ask the way to Ithaca to the spirits. They reach to underworld by following the sea-lane to the underworld. The brave Odysseus asks to the spirits to tell them the way back to Ithaca. This is all l have read so far.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break Reflaction

During the summer and winter breaks that I had before, I have never been to any place that was exiting. I just stayed at home, studying and playing computer games (boring!!!). The reason why I didn't go on the holiday is because my father works at night and he feels tired after coming back from work. This is why I couldn't go on the holidays. But this time, he wanted to go on the holiday even though he was exhausted. He researched on the internet for the places like Genting Highland. After an hour of researching, he finally chose a place called A'famosa to go. Next day, we woke up early in the morning and started getting clothes for the trip. My father looked really exhausted but he wanted to go on a holiday. We could get there faster because of my father's fast driving ability (he was driving his car as fast as 170km). We first rested for while, watching TV in the resort.

1st Day
Then, we went to safari. There were lots of animals. I watched the bird show and the animal show. I was surprised that the animals can do some kind of circus. The coolest part of the safari was riding on an elephant. The wobbling elephant ride was a great fun. After that, we ate lunch near the safari, but the food (oily chickens) were awful. We almost threw every thing away.

After the awful lunch, we went to Water Park. It wasn't big. On the other hand, it was good because there were not many people swimming. There was a big pool with some waves going in there. The waves made me feel as I’m in a boat. After playing in the big pool, I got bored of it. For this reason, my father and I went to the big slide. The starting point of it was really high up and the slide looked like a twisting snake. I was a little bit scared but it wasn’t that scary when I was riding it. We enjoyed riding the slide. Soon after wards, we ate our dinner in Chinese restaurant. The food was much better than the lunch I had before.

With our full stomach, we went to a place called ‘The Streets’ to see the carnival. Before the carnival, we saw a fire performance. I could feel the hot air when the person was blowing the fires near me. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the man was putting the fire into his mouth. The carnival was like a parade which every animals and people came up. The parade was full of spectaculars. It was really comic when the elephants were dunging during the parade. The last part of the parade was firecracker flaming. The flames of the firecrackers were great and wonderful.

We came back to the resort for the night. We were all feeling a bit hungry, so we had some Ramans for the late snack. We watched TV again and soon fall into sleep.

2nd Day
The second day of my trip was not much of the activities. We had breakfast early and we all rode bicycles around that area. We went to Fishing Range after riding bicycles. The Fishing Range was full of fishes. I and my father almost got more than 20 fishes. But we had a problem, we didn’t know how to cook it. Therefore, we just gave all the fishes to the Malaysian people next to us.

My father also had to work that night, other than going home, we just went to airport. We ate lunch there and only mom, brother and I got the train to KL central (Father working there). We got a taxi at the central and came back home by the trip of two days.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Malaysia Week to Sangai Slim

The first day of the Malaysia Week was great.
The trees, mountains and the rivers were looking great and beautiful but they were full of all the disgusting bugs and leeches. I hate bugs so i always looked down and see if there were any bugs around me.

The second day, we went hiking to a mountain. First, we followed along a muddy track through the mountain. By the way, we stayed in a town of the Orang Aslis. We played some kind of soccer game with the Orang Aslis. We shouted, "go panthers!!" but we lost all the games. After the game, we went down the hill. I was really tired but the leaders said that we are going hiking again. I was really tired and sweating a lot but i needed to hike again. Along the hiking track, lots of leeches appeared on our legs. I was lucky because I wore long pants and only one leech sucked my blood. All of us were freaked out of the leeches that they.

The third day, we went kayaking. Kayaking was really fun accept that I’m tired when I’m paddling the paddle. I rode the kayak with Kevin. Kevin was working really hard and he wanted to go faster. But I didn’t want to go fast so I rest doing nothing and only Kevin paddled the kayak.

The 4th day, we went White Water Rafting. That day was my favorite day of the Malaysia Week. The boat was wobbling and bumping along the river. Sometimes the boat hit a rock and stuck with it. We need to move left, right, front and back to move the boat out of the rock that is stuck with. I fell from the boat once while the ride. When I fell down, a big rock hit me and I felt really painful. A guy saved me and I felt really thank to him. In the middle of the ride, there was a big fall. The big fall was really fun.

The last day of the Malaysia Week we were a bit sad because I would miss this place and the Orang Aslis that we met. That day, we did an activity called ‘Amazing race’. It was a game formed with five different activities. Some groups had done all of them but our group only completed one of the activities. We did the first one easily but the second on was too hard. ‘Catch five prawns in the river’. It was impossible to do it. We spent almost an hour on that activity and the time was over. We had the last ride of the bumpy cars and finally got on a bus saying bye to the people.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hun-Min-Jung-Um is the traditional word in Korea. A king has made that many years ago. There was no proper word for the poor people so they couldn’t write. Only the rich people used proper word and write. King Se Jong thought that this is unfair for the poor people so he made a word Hun-Min-Jung-Um. But for the poor people, it was hard so they changed it to Han-Gle which is easier. Korean stared to use Han-Gle from that time and they still use it now.

Korea has lots of skills to produce the electronic things. For example, cars, hand phones, computers and others. Korea is good at making those and exports them around the world.

The Arts
Long ago, Korean drew Chinese drawings but they don’t draw much now. They just draw the pictures by using colors and brushes which is normal.

Koreans are divided into Christians, Buddhists and not believing people. Christians goes to churches everyday or only on Sunday. They pray in the churches and do the normal things what they need to do. Buddhists don’t pray everyday or on Sunday. They go to the temple whenever they want to go. They pray some wishes to Gods which they believe the Gods will get the wishes. And the not believing people don’t do such these things.

Koreans didn’t have their power to choose their own presidents because they chose the president by the high people so there was not a good president. Koreans chooses the presidents by their votes now because the low has changed for them. Now there can be a good president in Korea.

Social Structure
Korean built normal buildings same as other countries.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Korea Trip

I went to Korea during the vacation. It was fun.I played snowball fight with my brother. I didn't study much but I was eating and sleeping like a pig. So my mother doesn't like me to go to Korea. 
My grandmother made me lots of food and it was so delicious. She's owning a restaurant and she works there every day. She is very good at cooking so there is lots of customers in her restaurant. She always teaches my mother how to make food. 
Korea was so cold that i had to wear three clothes when i go out. I went to skiing but i didn't skied well. I was hungry and cold so i stopped skiing and  had  lunch there. It was fun but very cold. 
When i went to my friends' house, there was only friends' mothers in home because they needed to go to an academy so I couldn't meet any of my friends.I felt that I'm so lucky that I'm not studying a lot.
I just relaxed during my holiday so i will work hard from now.